Street Photography

I endeavor to capture interesting interactions when I set out to do street photography.  This image, which I have called Mischief, shows a young boy blocking the flow of the water jet at the public fountain, much to the amusement of the passersby.

Mischief is featured in the Street Photography Gallery at

Something’s Amiss in the Photo Studio

This picture come from a series of self portraits I captured circa 1999.  I have added them to the Self Portaits gallery at  Check out Tom’s Wholesale Toy, a new photo added to the Still Life Gallery, while you are there.

Something's Amiss

Archival Black and White Printing

For the past few months I have been printing my black and white photographs using carbon pigment ink from MIS associates.  This is a third party ink provider.  My Eboni black and white ink works in my Epson R800 photo printer.  There are three dilutions of the MIS Eboni carbon pigment ink that I can use to make pure carbon-black photographs, and I still can maintain the Epson color inks to use the printer for both black and white and color prints.  With printers other than the R800 or R1800, in order to use such carbon pigment, non-dye-based black and white inks, one must remove all the color inks and replace them with various shades of gray.

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Transcending Form

Form is not in the material:
it is in the designer before
it ever enters the stone:
and the artificer holds it
not by his equipment of eyes and hands,
but by his participation in his art.

in Whitall N. Perry
_A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom_
Varanasi: Indica, 1998, (1971), p. 672

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